Saturday, June 20, 2009

Obama cowers to Iran

By Mopeder

There are a lot of people saying Obama should take a hardline against the Iranian government, I think that would be the most effective response. It's reasoned that he won't do that for fear that Iran may do something to destabilize Iraq, or that he just don't have the stomach for it.

Iran is a major threat now and if something isn't done they will be even more of a threat in the future. If in 10-20 years that they attack Israel, Egypt, Europe, USA, or whatever country it will be because we didn't do anything to prevent it.

During Ayatollah Khamenei's speech Friday he was spewing his anti-American rhetoric and saying the US was interfering in their elections. The crowd was doing their usual shouting of "Death To America." A country such as Iran with radical views toward the world definately should not be allowed to possess nuclear weapons.

Obama should take the hardline position and also express support for the reformers, but what it all boils down to is he won't because he don't have the guts. Maybe our next president will handle the situation correctly, that is if it isn't already too late.

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